Loving Your Body

Loving Your Body

Loving the skin you are in, it's a relationship that is revisited throughout your life.

As cyclical beings, each month our beautiful bodies change & reflect a new reality and different needs. 

For people with a menstrual cycle, there may be times of the month where your body carries extra weight or your skin looks dull and tired.

For people going through grief or stress, you may find it difficult to look in the mirror and take pleasure in your physical body as overwhelming emotions wash over you. 

Maybe you're just not feeling in tune with yourself and your body for no good reason, it's just where you are and how you feel right now.

No matter where you are in this moment, I want to remind you of the importance of nurturing a loving connection with your body and to share some simple empowering rituals I foster to reconnect to that greater love for myself.

Physical touch is essential for wellbeing.

This fact is something I come back home to when I've lost my way. 

Science supports that physical touch is essential to our wellbeing in crucial ways. 

Studies show that the social development, immune system function and mental development of children who had safe loving touch in childrearing are markedly different from children who didn't have this, for example. those who have been orphaned or neglected. 

As adults we are expected to not need this so much. 
The desire for physical touch is often seen as a longing, a neediness or overly romantic idealism all of which can compound the deficit felt from lack of ritual nurturance. 

That is nurturance provided on a regular, consistent, devoted basis.

Another aspect to the adult experience is the presence or absence of a romantic relationship. This is often where we grow accustomed to receiving a sense of consistent nurturance, which again, can present difficulties in feeling wholly nourished if a relationship changes, comes to a sudden stop or wanes in affection.

This is why it is worth cultivating & putting energy and intention into creating a ritual nurturance of safe and loving touch for ourselves independently. To build an intimate connection with oneself. To nurture & radiate intimate wellbeing.

This is how I see the role of beauty as healing and as a form of spiritual medicine that can be tapped into, tuned into and adjusted to suit your changing needs. 

To begin to re-visit or in many cases re-learn, how to nourish yourself wholly & completely, I invite you to first of all, see what you have in your home that you can use today.

Do you have some lovely coconut oil in the pantry? 

For me, it's my Eco Body Butter. This product was literally born out of my desire to re-imagine a loving connection to my body. A product that represents a healing ritual that tends to me on subtle energy levels like the emotional & spiritual body as well as nourishing my physical body with ingredients that are deliciously good for skin and provided by the Great Earth's Abundance.

Taking your choice of product or ingredient, I invite you to make a ritual out of using it Morning and Evening if that feels enjoyable to you. 

Something I find really nurturing, nourishing and enjoyable is to in the mornings connect the body butter applying with drinking my morning cacao & journal time. This provides my mind, body, soul the chance to land in the morning and to attune to my intentions for the day ahead.

Evening time, it's all about the wind down & entering the natural flow into Yin. The feminine, the return to darkness and retreat. I find connecting my body butter applying to putting on something that transforms my senses like a candle or aromatherapy, taking a warm shower and luxuriating my skin by candlelight. 

This is also my top tip for if you are struggling to feel positive, connected or sensually awakened within your body. Sometimes it is as simple as lowering the lights so your senses can land into your yin energy and to take in the beauty of your body under candlelight. 

This sets up a metaphysical altar of beauty in a sense with your body being the Temple. Time to simply be naked after a cleansing under water and to feed your skin head to toe with healthy, nourishing and beneficial ingredients from nature's own body. 

It's been my experience that within these daily rituals we find ourselves.

We make possible for ourselves, a sustainable, empowering, devotional relationship with physical touch and self connection. Remembering that physical touch promotes our highest, healthiest wellbeing and frequency. 

Beauty in this way, nurtures a deep spiritual, emotional, physical connection with ourselves. We simply move out of the way and let her work her magic.

I am truly wishing you from my heart to yours, a happy and joyful reconnecting to the magnificence of your ever changing, super duper gorgeous body. 

The Aussie Mystic


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